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Read online ebook Karen Jean Matsko Hood - Frost of Spring Green, Translated Russian : A Collection of Poetry Vol. 1 DJV, TXT, FB2


Audio CD. Karen Jean Matsko Hood's writing is bold and honest. She communicates in a simple, direct way that is sure to captivate readers. If you are not yet familiar with her work, you are in for a treat with Frost of Spring Green! This volume of poetry can be read for pure enjoyment or as an insightful examination of our busy world. You may read one of her poems, enjoy its breezy wittiness, and then revisit it months later to discover something altogether fresh and new. This is what ultimately makes her poems lasting treasures: they reveal depth over time. Each reading promises something new, an additional layer of meaning that will enrich your daily life. Drawing from many of her poems already accepted for publication in international journals, Hood, as an emerging American poet and author, brings together unique verses in this, her first book of poetry. Hood's poems remind us to value our link with nature and the environment in daily living. Her poetry voices outrage toward current social injustices, offers a voice for the downtrodden, and brings hope to the most hopeless of situations. She is optimistic in her quest for dignity for all life, and brings visual impact to her themes of nature. Frost of Spring Green will also be available in international bilingual editions. A collection of poetry ideal for reading time and again, this book makes a great gift for friends and family members., Karen Jean Matsko Hood�s writing is bold and honest. She communicates in a simple, direct way that is sure to captivate readers. If you are not yet familiar with her work, you are in for a treat with Frost of Spring Green! This volume of poetry can be read for pure enjoyment or as an insightful examination of our busy world. You may read one of her poems, enjoy its breezy wittiness, and then revisit it months later to discover something altogether fresh and new. This is what ultimately makes her poems lasting treasures: they reveal depth over time. Each reading promises something new, an additional layer of meaning that will enrich your daily life. Drawing from many of her poems already accepted for publication in international journals, Hood, as an emerging American poet and author, brings together unique verses in this, her first book of poetry. Hood�s poems remind us to value our link with nature and the environment in daily living. Her poetry voices outrage toward current social injustices, offers a voice for the downtrodden, and brings hope to the most hopeless of situations. She is optimistic in her quest for dignity for all life, and brings visual impact to her themes of nature. Frost of Spring Green will also be available in international bilingual editions. A collection of poetry ideal for reading time and again, this book makes a great gift for friends and family members., This translated edition of Frost of Spring Green is translated and printed in Russian. This is the first book to be translated in the Frost of Spring Green Poetry Series. Karen Jean Matsko Hood¿s writing is bold and honest. She communicates in a simple, direct way that is sure to captivate readers. If you are not yet familiar with her work, you are in for a treat with this first release in poetry series. The first book in the Frost of Spring Green Series can be read for pure enjoyment or as an insightful examination of our busy world. You may read one of her poems, enjoy its breezy wittiness, and then revisit it months later to discover something altogether fresh and new. This is what ultimately makes her poems lasting treasures: they reveal depth over time. Each reading promises something new, an additional layer of meaning that will enrich your daily life. Drawing from many of her poems already accepted for publication in international journals, Hood, as an emerging American poet and author, brings together unique verses in this, her first book of poetry. Hood¿s poems remind us to value our link with nature and the environment in daily living. Her poetry voices outrage toward current social injustices, offers a voice for the downtrodden, and brings hope to the most hopeless of situations. She is optimistic in her quest for dignity for all life, and brings visual impact to her themes of nature. Frost of Spring Green will also be available in international bilingual editions. A collection of poetry ideal for reading time and again, this book makes a great gift for friends and family members., ПеревеЎеММПе ОзЎаМОе«ИМей Ма весеММей зелеМО» былП ПпублОкПваМП Ма русскПЌ языке. ЭтП первая кМОга, кПтПрая была перевеЎеМа в сПбраМОО пПэзОй«ИМей Ма весеММей зелеМО» КареМ ДжеМ МацкП ХуЎ пОшет ПткрытП О честМП. Ее пПэтОческОй пПчерк захватывает чОтателя с первПй ЌОМуты. ЕслО Вы еще Ме зМакПЌы с ее рабПтаЌО, Ќы преЎлагаеЌ ВаЌ сбПрМОк стОхПв пПЎ МазваМОеЌ«ИМей Ма весеММей зелеМО». ЭтПт сбПрМОк пПэзОй ЌПжМП чОтать как в часы ПтЎыха, так О Ўля вЎуЌчОвПгП ОсслеЎПваМОя суетМПгП ЌОра. Вы ЌПжете прПчОтать ПЎМу Оз пПэзОй, МаслаЎОться ее жОвПй ПстрПуЌМПстью, О верМуться к Мей через МекПтПрПе вреЌя. И сМПва Вы Пбретете МПвые ОЎеО. ВПт чтП Ўелает пПэзОю вечМыЌ ОскусствПЌ: ПМа Пткрывает глубОМу вреЌеМО. КажЎПе прПчтеМОе прОвМПсОт МПвые ПщущеМОя, О Вы ЌПжете ПбПгатОть свПю жОзМь МПвыЌО впечатлеМОяЌО. Первый сбПрМОк стОхПв КареМ ХуЎ уже прОМят Ўля публОкацОО в ЌежЎуМарПЎМых журМалах. ХуЎ сПзЎает уМОкальМые стОхПтвПреМОя, в ПчереЎМПй раз ЎПказывая свПе ЌастерствП. ППэзОО ХуЎ МапПЌОМают П тПЌ, чтП Ќы ЎПлжМы цеМОть прОрПЎу О Маше ПкружеМОе. Ее пПэзОО гМевМП клейЌят сПцОальМые пПрПкО челПвечества, преЎлашая вПзЌПжМПсть выбПра Ўля лОшеММых О

Frost of Spring Green, Translated Russian : A Collection of Poetry Vol. 1 TXT download

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